Hakea House

Reflecting on Online Learning

Hi everyone. Please read our SRC reflections on how we handled online learning and how we got through it together as one.


Hakea Captains - Vishna and Naweed


Online learning was packed with work; however, our teachers were reachable making life easier. Everybody was sick of online learning, we wanted to come back! Online learning was good/bad, I prefer face-to-face and am glad we are back now. Mridula C


Returning back to school after three months of remote learning was awesome, everything felt new and different. I was very excited to be in a learning environment. Going through that journey has made me grateful to wake up every day and come to school. Rukhsar A


It was a strange feeling seeing so many people in one place again because of all the news and people getting sick but it was amazing to see my friends again and how they had changed. It was fun doing work in my pyjamas. Peter MK


During remote learning, Year10s found it quite nice working individually. It was not like regular school, we realised we need to be more responsible with our schoolwork. However, it wasn’t the best experience as we found schoolwork overwhelming by ourselves. Mubina J


The return to face to face learning was an amazing experience. I was able to see mates and teachers again. The day in general felt more right than wrong. Especially seeing the boys, I cannot tell you how much fun it was seeing my mates again. Sadin U


I would like to talk about the experience of coming back to school as a Year 12 student, which was really exciting! I was happy because I missed school and got to see friends and teachers. I prefer school 1000% more than remote learning, I feel motivated to learn and do my best as teachers and classmates encourage me everyday to do my best. I hope everyone works hard and has fun back at school -remember to stay safe too! Amira H