Fern House

It has been the longest and strangest term of learning for the entire Fern Learning Community.


We have seen the most amazing learning taking place, both from students and teachers!


Students have taken control of their learning, consistently amazing teachers with their independence, engagement and resilience.


While we may have lost the Chorales and Athletics House competitions, we have gained greater depth of knowledge of ourselves as learners, and as teachers.


Since the return to on-site learning, there is a visible excitement in the students to be reconnecting with friends, and the Fern Community. Students have been mindful of the change in the physical operation of the school, and have shown a true care and concern for the well-being of those around them.


Finally, the Fern Leadership Team would like to take this opportunity to simply congratulate all members of the Fern Community for their outstanding work through a world changing event.


Stay safe on a well-earned break.


Mr Ferguson, Ms Curnow, Mr Pinto, Mr Hill, and Mrs Anderson

The Fern Leadership Team