From the Principal

I would like to begin my end of Term 2 message with a simple thank you to all students, parents and staff. I especially want to acknowledge all our families for their support both to the school and in ensuring their students keep learning during these challenging times.


Remote operations seem such a long time ago now, but during the first six weeks of this term the school community together achieved extraordinary things. Teachers worked incredibly hard to ensure they maintain strong connections with their students, House Leadership teams completed “check in” conversations with all their families and ES staff provided essential technical and Wellbeing support. 


We are incredibly proud of our students, who remained engaged in their learning, maintained strong attendance, and demonstrated resilience and determination despite the challenges they faced.


Our parents, too, have provided outstanding support and feedback.


The return to school and onsite learning has been equally smooth and high attendance rates for all year levels have continued. Students and teachers were incredibly excited to return to classroom learning and reconnect in person with each other. As a school we have reflected on the incredible positives we experienced during remote operations and how we can embed these learnings into our practice. This will become the focus of our school improvement work in Semester Two and I look forward to sharing this feedback with you all.


Thank you again for your continued support. I hope you and your family enjoy a well-deserved break and that you take care of each other.


I am incredibly proud of the Dandenong High School Community.


Susan Ogden
