From the Principal
Welcome back everyone! It is lovely to see everyone back at school and to also welcome our new students and their families.
We had a very smooth start last week, and yesterday we had all our new preps starting together. All seemed to settle in very well and we hope everyone is enjoying the new school year.
The focus for teachers during the first term is ensuring all children settle comfortably into their new classes, and feel happy and secure. As part of this process, all classes will develop an Essential Agreement which details shared understanding of the expected values to be followed within the classroom learning community. Parents will be then sent copies of these to ensure they can be supported as part of the home/school partnership.
We look forward to another year of working together to ensure our school provides the best opportunities possible for our students.
A school picnic tea is planned for Thursday 13 Februaryfrom 6 to 8 pm. All families in the school (Prep – 6) are invited to bring a rug to sit on and a picnic tea on the oval. I encourage all families to come along, meet new friends and old and have an enjoyable informal evening.
This year we are welcoming the following new staff members:
Miss Gabrielle Grant - Prep G
Mrs Cassandra Dixon - Prep D
Miss Kathryn Fortune - 2F
Miss Samantha Pyatigorsky - 3S.
Mr Damien Shelly - Grade 4S
Miss Tracey Nelson - Physical and Sport Education
Mr Shane Long – ICT/ Library
Welcome to all!
Congratulations to Mr David Maierhofer (1M) and his wife Helena on the birth of their first child, Benjamin Joseph, born on 30 December 2013.
Congratulations also to Mrs Melanie Short (IS 2013) and her husband Darren on the birth of their first child, Jaxon William, born on 30 January 2014.
Parent information evenings will be held shortly. At these sessions, teachers outline the expectations for their classes for 2014. Areas such as curriculum, assessment, homework and well-being are all covered during these sessions. Specialist teachers will also briefly outline their programs at this session. All sessions will be in the multipurpose hall, followed by an opportunity to visit your child’s individual classroom.
Dates and times are as follows:
Tuesday 18 February
6.30 Level 4 (Grades 5 and 6)
7.30 Level 2 (Grades 1 and 2)
Wednesday 19 February
6.30 Level 1 (Preps)
7.30 Level 3 (Grades 3 and 4)
The school requires written communication following a child’s absence from school due to illness or any other reason. To facilitate this, please find attached a proforma for parents to complete and give to the child’s class teacher on return to school.
Each year, schools are allocated four pupil free days for the purpose of professional development. The first day was 28 January, when teachers returned to school. The others are currently being planned and are subject to school council endorsement. We are planning professional development days on Tuesday 11 March 2014 and Friday 8 August 2014. Please note these dates. A further reminder will be placed in the newsletter following endorsement of the dates by school council on 17 February 2014.