Important Notices


A reminder to follow the parking restrictions around the school, the Council often sends enforcement officers to the school so be sure not to get fined and only park where you are allowed during school times. 


A reminder  that the area around our school has a 40kmph speed limit. Parents should also remember to move around the school in a clockwise manner on the streets to enable a clear flow during drop off and pick up times. For example move north up Almond Street and then west down Ruth St, do not try to move south up Almond in the morning as this causes unnecessary chaos with blocked cars, cars driving on nature strips and some chaos.


Please remember that it is more important for us all to get to school safely. We have already had one instance of road rage around the school this year, we want this to be the last. 

School Banking

Volunteers needed: We urgently need a couple of parent volunteers to assist with the Student Banking on a Tuesday morning from 9-10am. You will be part of  a team of volunteers that assist with processing the children’s banking deposits ready to take to the bank. If you can spare an hour each Tuesday morning to help, it would be greatly appreciated! Please come and see Margaret in the school office or come to the staffroom next Tuesday and meet the team.

Banking Families : Please remember to put your child’s 2019  grade on the deposit wallet so that it is returned to the correct classroom.



BPPS Mother's Day Dinner will be on Friday 10th May, so please mark it in your calendar, it is sure to be a great night.

Office Hours

Please be aware that the office hours at BPPS are:

8.30am - 4.00pm, Monday to Friday.