Wellbeing & Engagement

Assistant Principal 

Wellbeing and learning Support 

 Nik Skrob

Adelaide Airport Bunnings Toilet Door Project 

I am excited to announce that our school will be involved in the Toilet Door Project. Adelaide Airport Bunnings has kindly offered to provide resources for our school, so that we can enhance our toilet doors in the Fisher building. 


Once Adelaide Airport Bunnings provide the resources to our school, we will begin planning next steps. Student leadership will be involved next year, so that the painting design of the MDF boards are reflective of the wider student body.  


I look forward to working with students in 2022 to complete this project and continue to build on the sense of belonging of students at Lockleys North Primary School. 




Wellbeing advice from Mr. Skrob

This column focuses on the concept of 'Neuroplasticity'. This idea means that our brains don't stop growing, but rather that they have the potential to grow and change when we challenge ourselves or choose to learn something new. This means that you are never too old to start learning new things, so if there is a new skill or concept that you are trying to master at school or at home, then I encourage you to keep persisting. Have a read below about some cool brain facts!