School News

Book Week 2021


Managing illness in schools and early childhood - COVID 19

Dear KPS Community

One of the most important things we can do to slow the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19) in our community is to stay at home when we are unwell, even when we have the mildest of symptoms.

What you need to know

Young children with persistent mild symptoms

Younger children (pre-school up to Grade 2) may have prolonged post-viral symptoms such as a runny nose or cough and may return to school following a negative COVID-19 test even if they are not completely free of symptoms. They will need a medical certificate from their GP to confirm they are otherwise well or have recovered from their acute illness.

Any worsening of symptoms will require review and repeat COVID-19 testing, if considered appropriate by the doctor.

Students with a negative COVID-19 test whose symptoms have completely resolved do not need a medical certificate to return to the school.

For further information for schools and to distribute to families see: Managing illness in schools and early childhood services during the COVID-19 pandemic. I have also attached the fact sheet behind this link to this message.

Do you have a child starting Prep in 2022?

Enrolment packs are available from the office or alternatively can be emailed to you. If you wish to collect an enrolment pack from the office, please call us from the gate and we can bring one out to you. They can also be sent home with an older sibling.

As I am sure you can appreciate, due to the current restrictions surrounding COVID-19 we are still unable to confirm an on-site Prep transition program. We would love for your children to be able to experience our Prep space and meet their teachers in person, so should the guidelines change we will be in touch with updated information. 

In the meantime you can visit the Kyneton Primary School website at for a recording of our 2021 Prep Information Session with Principal Alistair Rayner, Assistant Principal Julie Arnephy and Prep Transition Coordinator Sharon Wilkes. 

Please do not hesitate to contact the school on 5422 1855 should you require any further information. 


Is your family leaving KPS in 2022?

It’s that time of year again where the school is beginning to plan our class structure for 2022. If your child will not be continuing at KPS in 2022 please let us know to enable us to plan accordingly.

Increased cost of Subway orders

Subway orders on Mondays are now $7.00. We have new envelopes available at the office. 

1/2 Price Uniform Items

We have a few winter tunics, winter skirts and summer dresses we are selling directly from school via Qkr!

The winter tunics and winter skirts are exactly the same as those sold by our uniform supplier.

The summer dresses are a slightly different design.  A photo is on Qkr!

If interested in making a purchase please go into Qkr! and place your order and the item/s will be sent home with your child.  

Numbers are limited and we will not have these available for sale again at these prices.

We think this is a fantastic cause and a great effort by our School's students.

QR Check In

The use of Service Victoria QR codes for electronic record keeping is mandatory for all workplaces to enable the effective contact tracing of any COVID-19 cases. This now includes schools. The public health intent of including schools in the QR code check in system for workplaces is to capture those visitors accessing school buildings or indoor facilities, but not those entering the school grounds for reasons such as school pick up. QR codes will now be required to be used by:

  • all visitors, including contractors, external Department staff and building and maintenance staff
  • all parents who enter the office when on the school site

Parents are still not permitted to enter classrooms.

Happy Families

Remember you can sign up free for the Happy Families membership using the school's link below. 


Lunch Orders on Qkr!

Lunch orders are available to order on the Qkr! app. Qkr! allows lunches to be ordered up to 14 days in advance and can be placed up to 9:30am on the day of supply.  Children can still bring in their own container for their lunch to be provided in.  Please ensure containers are clearly marked with their name.


We ask that all lunches are ordered via the Qkr! app and any use of cash is limited as much as possible.

School Beanies 

Kyneton Primary School Beanies are a perfect way of keeping warm.  These are available to purchase on Qkr! for $12 each.  One size fits all.  As we have beanies in stock, once the order is placed the beanie will be sent home with your child.

The sale of beanies will also assist with raising funds towards portable gazebos to provide shelter for our students at outdoor events.  

Please note that beanies are not part of the compulsory school uniform.

Change of Bank Account

Kyneton Primary School now has a new bank account with CBA.  

The details are -

BSB 063-000 Account Number 14033609

Please use these updated details if you are transferring money to the school.  

Please also remember to use your CHILD'S name as the reference.

Accessing Compass

It is important that parents access the Parental Portal in Compass at


Compass is our main method of communicating with families. 


Using our parent portal will enable you to –

  • Keep up to date with school news and important information
  • Approve or enter upcoming or past absences for your son/daughter
  • Update your registered email and mobile number (used for SMS alters)
  • Access information regarding upcoming events and news
  • Access your child’s Semester Reports
  • Book interviews

Welcome to Compass” booklets for parents and families are available from the school office. Office staff are happy to assist you with accessing Compass and resetting your password when required.