COVID-19: Roadmap

Staged Return to School Roadmap
Further to my teams message to you in the holidays, the regional panel has determined in line with public health advice to reduce the number of students and staff onsite, all schools should follow the staged return to onsite learning without variation. The state-wide plan attached below, based upon the advice of the Victorian Chief Health Officer, outlines which year levels (not classes) return by which date. This will, however, depends on final advice from health authorities closer to each stage (70% and 80% Fully Vaccinated).
This decision was made based on the presently available public health evidence, to ensure:
- The number of students on site at any one time and how much the school’s request varies from what the roadmap would deliver
- Any practices that will be implemented to ensure the separation of student cohorts on each school day
Such arrangements may be challenging for some of our students and families because of the additional disruptions to routines. The guidelines released for special schools state that if the arrangements below for the state-wide return to onsite learning is not in the best interests of the student, parents/carers may choose to delay their child’s return to onsite learning until all students return to school on Friday 5th November. This however only applies to individual circumstances and not whole year levels.
Students with disability will continue to be eligible for onsite care and supervision where a parent/carer indicates that their child is vulnerable because they cannot learn from home, and/or informs the school the student is vulnerable due to family stress.
Children where single/both parents and or carers are considered authorised workers who cannot work from home, work for an essential provider and where no other supervision arrangements can be made also remain eligible to be onsite from Monday 24th October.
Please note that for Year 7/8, Year 9/10 and Year 11/12 classes, students will not return on the same day as the rest of their class. Remote learning will continue to be offered through our online platforms until we fully return to school at the end of Week 5 when students are not required to be onsite as part of the staged return.
Please also note, there will be NO SCHOOL MONDAY 1st NOVEMBER at the start of Week 5. This is a 3-day week as normal over the Melbourne Cup weekend. All students return to school full time from Friday 5th November. All classes will run as normal (Monday to Friday) from Week 6 until the end of the school year.
The state-wide plan attached below outlines which year levels (not classes) can return to onsite learning at school on what date. When students are not onsite, remote learning will continue to be offered through our online platforms until we fully return to school on Friday 5th November.
For further information on the state-wide roadmap, please visit:
Press Release: