The Arrowsmith Program 


Head of the Arrowsmith Program




Numerous think tanks over the past several years have posed the question: How do we prepare students today for an uncertain world where we can’t predict the types of jobs or skills that might be required? 


The World Economic Forum has identified 16 skills students require in the 21st Century that are necessary for Lifelong learning.


How do we ensure our students are equipped for a complex and ever-changing reality? One of the key assets required is our brain. Neuroscience has taught us that our brain filters our perceptions and understanding of ourselves, of others, of our world, and of our relationship to that world. And our brain is capable of physiological and functional change across our lifespan – it is neuroplastic. Our brain is designed for life-long learning, to flexibly adapt and meet novel challenges.


Every student should have the right to develop and enhance this asset. Let’s put the brain into the Education Equation by harnessing its ability to change.

If you change the brain, you change cognition, you change learning, you change social-emotional wellbeing, and you transform one’s future.