Senior School


Head of Senior School






What a pleasure it has been to have students in the Senior School since the start of Term 4. For the teachers of Unit 3/4 subjects, spending those precious days in a classroom with our students was an opportunity not only to reconnect face to face but to work through the much-needed revision for the upcoming examinations in more depth.

The Class of 2021 did not get the normal farewell we usually plan for our departing cohort of Year 12 students. However, their final days with us allowed them to enjoy each other’s company, reminisce about their journey and say goodbye in person to staff who have overseen their wellbeing this year. Wednesday, October 20, turned out to be a brilliant warm sunny day and allowed us to gather outside to share ice cream and lunch and to recognise their journey at Oakleigh Grammar. They left with a number of gifts from the school, to begin their individual revision for the VCAA external examinations that commenced on Wednesday, October 27. We congratulate them on their resilience, determination and hard work and wish them all the best for their future endeavours.

We thank the parents, families and guardians of the Class of 2021 for their support of, and trust in, Oakleigh Grammar to help guide and encourage their children to grow into the wonderful young men and women who graduated this year.

The return of Year 10 and Year 11 last Friday filled our Senior School classrooms with warmth and laughter once more. It was truly a happy day, with smiles and laughter all around. Welcoming students at the gate in the morning was a delightful way to start my day and I look forward to continuing to see them each day until the end of the term.



Year 12 Coordinator






Year 12

Now the Class of 2021 have finished their final days of formal schooling, I wish them good luck and farewell. Thankfully, we were able to enjoy the sunshine on their last day, sharing an ice cream from an Ice-Cream Van, and some individually wrapped and socially distanced lunch boxes. Most of our Year 12s will have prepared for and sat their first, and most important examination, the 3-hour VCE English and EAL Examination. I know Mr Gobbo, Ms Tsiagalos and Ms Martin have worked incredibly hard to ensure that all our students are as prepared as possible. I would also like to thank the Pastoral team, Mrs Angela Korlos, Ms Lydia Liu and Mrs Vanessa Hogarth Scott for their support of the students during their final three weeks of onsite learning. The next few weeks are always stressful for our students, however, this year they must deal with the threat posed by the virus in the community and the potential impact that could have on them. This will obviously increase anxiety during an already stressful time, and I know some students will find this difficult. We are here to help and support our students through this time. The Pastoral Team is at school and online, and should students need any support, they only have to reach out. The Class of 2021 has had a unique journey through their VCE. Surviving in the most locked-down city in the world, they have missed much. However, we hope they will still have many fond memories of their time at Oakleigh Grammar.   



Year 10 & 11 Coordinator





Year 10 and 11

On Friday, October 22, we welcomed back our Year 10 and 11 students. It was such a privilege to have them back on-site and see the glow, excitement and pleasure of students greeting each other and seeing their classmates.

The thing that stood out for me was that no student was left out. Each student, whether friends or not, showed some form of mateship through their interactions on this day. Even though lockdown and remote learning have been extremely tough and demanding for our students, seeing their reactions reminded me of the innate goodness and purity within our students. Seeing the halls and classrooms echoing with laughter and joy was as if we were back at the beginning of the year on Day 1.

I wish all our Year 11 students embarking on their first Unit 3/4 VCE examinations and our Year 10 and 11 Unit 2 students all the best as they prepare for their examinations. While it has been a challenging learning experience, your grit and determination will see you through to the end. We are here to support you and, no matter what happens in these exams, I am proud of your efforts to get to where you are today.