Deputy Principals


Deputy Principal - Operations





Return to School - Operational Matters

We are very excited by the imminent return of all students. 

In terms of some important operational matters please note from Wednesday, 3 November (Week 5B):

  • Students from all year levels will be back on site.
  • The School will resume our regular structure of the day (5 x 65-minute periods) with dismissal for all levels at 3:25 pm.

Morning Drop Off and Afternoon Pick Up

Until we gain access again to Gate 6 on Clapham Road, which we hope will be very soon, please note the following arrangements.  


Gate 1 Junior School

Gate 2 Middle and Senior Schools


Afternoon only (3:25 pm) dismissal

Gate 1 Willesden Road south Prep, Years 1 - 3

Gate 2 Willesden Road north Years 4 – 6

Gate 3 Bletchley Road Years 7 – 11 


 * any MS/SS student may go through either Gate 1 or 2 with their younger JS sibling.

  • We apologise for any inconvenience but we are hampered until some of the other restrictions are eased.