Chaplain's Corner 


Parish Priest


Yesterday, 28 October 2021, our beloved students of Oakleigh Grammar attended church for the celebration of OXI Day, and the service of Holy Protection of the Theotokos.                 Our students proudly recited poems in commemoration of the day after the Doxology service and we all sang the Greek National Anthem, proudly.


As our Eminence Archbishop Makarios pointed out

“Today’s anniversary brings before us the heavy responsibility we have inherited to continue to journey with the ideals of our ancestors, as well as to ensure that the younger generations also attain these ideals. Our children must have knowledge and awareness of who they are, where they come from, and for what values their ancestors fought. It is also imperative that they know that the Orthodox faith has always strengthened the Greek people, in every adverse situation of its historical course. It is no coincidence, after all, that our National Day coincides with the feast of the Holy Protection, during which the Church honours the person of the most-holy Theotokos, whose grace covers and protects the people of God. On this day, we honour and glorify our Panagia, our timeless and unshakable support, who strengthened, enlivened, comforted and protected the heroes of the 40’s era.

We also glorify the Triune God, Who has counted us worthy to celebrate our national anniversary in a country where its people came together with the Greeks in common values and ideals, and fought fiercely to defend them. With all my heart, I wish “many years” to Greek people everywhere, covered by Panagia’s protection!”


Thank you to our Oakleigh Grammar students for attending our Church service, and our students who proudly raised our flags with honour!


Ζήτω η Ελλάς!Ζήτω η Αυστραλία!Ζήτω η 28η Οκτωβρίου!