Principal's News







Our staff are very excited following the Premier’s COVID Roadmap Update announcing that a full return to ‘on-campus’ learning from ELC to Year 11 will occur from Wednesday, 3 November 2021.


I believe our students will significantly benefit by finishing the year with their peers and teachers at school and enjoying the additional co-curricular and informal activities that many of them have longed for this semester. We cannot underestimate the elements of School life such as inter-school sport, excursions, assemblies, creative and performing arts provide to the rich tapestry of their on-campus experience.


As our students returned to school albeit on a staggered basis, it was evident there was much curiosity and interest in the progress of the building works for our new Centre for Academic Excellence. Indeed, on one occasion, I noted approximately fifty students with their eyes wide open watching the earth diggers undertake foundation works. It will be even more exciting after the concrete slab has been poured and we start seeing construction above ground.



Academic Curriculum Structure 2022


During the course of this year, the Executive Leadership Team have been working on initiatives and innovations to strengthen our academic ethos. As part of this review, new Positions of Responsibility have been created for a number of our staff, which will provide direct influence on learning outcomes in Junior, Middle and Senior Schools. Congratulations are extended to the following staff on their appointments commencing next year:


Staff News


We wish Ms Varvara Pavlidou and Mr Lance Ryan a speedy recovery from their respective recent surgeries. I thank Ms Alexandra Tsirigotis for covering Ms Pavlidou during her absence in the Junior School.  


Condolences are extended to Ms Olympia Mplatsis on the passing of her father.


We wish Ms Joy Mackey good health and success for the future following her recent resignation as Head of Art. Mr Nick Karakottas has been appointed to the position of Acting P-12 Arts Curriculum Coordinator until the end of this year. We wish him well in the role.


We look forward to Mr Nick Weiler joining us in the capacity of Food Technology Teacher whilst Mrs Marina Kaam enjoys her well earned Long Service Leave for the remainder of term four.


Congratulations are extended to Ms Rhodine Alevetsovitis and Ms Olivia Nicholson who have advised of their respective pregnancies and subsequently will be taking Maternity Leave in the near future.


I wish to advise of the following staff who will be leaving us at the end of this year and convey best wishes for the future:


Mr Josh Sperling, Mathematics Faculty

Mr Josh Ellenberg, Media Studies

Ms Judy Martin, EAL Teacher

Ms Louise Crossley, EAL / English Teacher

Ms Popi Roumeliotis, Orthodox Studies Teacher


A reminder that both Monday 1 November and Tuesday 2 November are student-free days and, we very much look forward to welcoming all students back on site on Wednesday 3 November 2021.


Stay Safe

Stay Well

God Bless