Junior School news

I would like to thank the Junior School families for all of their work during the remote learning periods of term 3. We certainly appreciate everything you have done to support your daughter and acknowledge that it has been a challenging time. The students have had a positive attitude and again showed resilience during this remote learning period. 

It is time for the students to have a break from the screens and spend some time relaxing. This could be cooking dinner or afternoon tea for the family, reading a book, listening to music, going for a walk or playing outside. We encourage them to be active and enjoy being outside where possible.


We hope all families can find some time to “switch off” before the final term of school commences.

Lunchtime Kahoot

On Tuesday 7 September the lunchtime Kahoot was on “Star Wars.” 


It was lovely to see so many teachers join in the fun. This time, the teachers dominated! Congratulations to Mr Haines on winning the Kahoot, Mrs Witt for coming second and Courtney Marshall (8D - Kenny) for coming third. We now know what some teachers watch in their spare time!


“Pick me up”

Over the last week the year 7 and 8 students have received a “pick me up” surprise in the mail from the Junior School Team. It consisted of a hot chocolate and a wizz fizz. It was lovely to see some pictures of the students enjoying this treat and receiving some kind words of appreciation:

  • “Thank you very much to the junior school team for sending it! It made me so happy!”
  • “Thanks for sending it, it was delicious.”
  • “THANK YOU so much for the hot chocolate and wizz fizz. Nice surprise”
  • “I just wanted to say thank you so much for the letter and the hot chocolate, it really made my day and it was so wonderful. Thank you once again!”
  • “Thank you so much for the lovely lockdown gifts! I am really appreciative of them and can’t wait to have a warm hot chocolate in the morning!”
  • “I just wanted to say thank you for the letter with goodies, it really brightened up my day!”

Emma Holman

Director of Junior School

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