Visual Art

VCE Art & Design show
The annual VCE Art & Design Show will be online on Wednesday 13 October. The links will be distributed by Newsfeed in the second week of term 4.
This is the annual showcase of works from Units 1 to 4 students in Art, Media and Visual Design Communication. Prizes will be awarded including the 'Overall winner' which replaced the acquisition prize as more of the students' creation embrace electronic and virtual media.
Our guest judge is Jocie Cohen ( a Melbourne based artist, who graduated from RMIT with a Bachelor of Arts, Fine Art (Painting) with honours. Jocie's practice includes oils, watercolour & pencil.
Lisa Blumenstein
Visual Art Domain Leader
Year 7 Art
Lisa Blumenstein's year 7 Art classes have been learning about surrealism to produce an image using a combination of their own photos and sourced images to create a surrealist scene.
They have also reinforced their learning of the art elements and principles by taking photos of textures in and around their home and creating artistic portraits utilising one of the textures.
Students have also created photographic typologies and short videos on the elements of Art. Viha Shah created a video:
Lisa Blumenstein
Visual Art Domain Leader