2022 Student Leadership

Mentone Girls’ Secondary College educates students to achieve their highest potential, so they become self-directed, confident and skilled as they take their places in society. The College aims to be an exemplary provider of leadership opportunities for all students, ensuring that they become well-balanced and resilient young adults capable of sustaining strong and supportive relationships in a changing world, and contributing to society’s general well-being. The College Community values:
Personal Best
The student leadership program reflects the need for all students to develop leadership skills and have opportunity to put these into practice.
The process for applying for student leadership positions for 2022 has begun with calling for applications from current year 11 students for the roles of Senior College Captain and Captains of the six students leadership teams.
Teams include: SRC, STEAM, Performing Arts, Student Voice & Advocacy, Environment & Sustainability and SPORTS.
All applications this year will be via google forms requiring applicants to attach a written response. This is an opportunity to share with the panel which may consist of members of the Principal team, relevant Sub School, Teacher Liaison for that team and Director of Student Leadership & Engagement. Details are also being shared through Compass.
We moved to an online process last year but have again further streamlined this for ease of access.
This is the overall structure of the leadership model at MGSC.
Early in term 4 we will call for students in Year 8-12 in 2022 to apply to be part of any of the six teams and our Middle School and Junior School captains (two positions at each subschool)
Application form links:
If you are applying for College Captain - 2022 College Captain application form
If you are applying to be a Team Captain : eg SRC, Performing Arts, STEAM, Student Voice & Advocacy, Environment & Sustainability or Sports (from any House) -
2022 Team Captain application form
Any questions should be sent to: wendy.harvey@education.vic.gov.au
Wendy Harvey
Director of Student Leadership & Engagement