Principal's message

Dear families
We have been working remotely since Friday 28 May this year. Every school newsletter that I have placed a message in this term has been whilst we have been in remote learning. All of the activities undertaken by our students have also occurred online. It is such a surreal experience if you think about it.
Our College Sport Captains have done a wonderful job with the organisation of Love Your Body Week. Our School Captains introduced the sessions on Monday and Tuesday and were superb and the Sport and House captains did the HIIT program, each contributing an exercise. I commend the student leaders and the Health & PE Staff for a wonderful week (which is not yet over).
It is time to say farewell to our wonderful tutors who have been working with our a significant number of our students over terms 2 and 3 this year in the area of English and Mathematics. They have done a marvellous job adjusting to working with our students online as well. Tutors are professionals that come to us from outside of the existing staff at our school. So I give my thanks to Luke deMunk, Michael Warden, Danielle Saraullo, Marilyn Anderson, Tony Carr and Kylie Norris for the difference they have made to the learning success of our students.
I know that this has been a challenging period for our school community with some of us keeping more buoyant than others. There may be days when everything feels like it is out of our control and we are just responding to the advice of the Premier and the Chief Medical Officer's directives. But this can equally provide us with a security blanket and a sense of routine as there are processes and controls in place to reduce the risk to our health. Sitting alongside this is the role that belonging can play in the lives of young people. Our teachers do this every day through their classes and the online activities that are provided to our students. Our three sub-schools have also been sending out care packs to their students so that our students know that we are thinking of them.
As part of our training, teachers have exposure to strategies to assist students with their learning and their mental health. However, I am aware that this may be the first time that families are exploring these areas. Not long ago, I shared with you the resources provided by the Department of Education and Training (DET) and, as we approach the holidays, I thought it would be a good idea to provide these links to you again. Below are the digital resources for families:
- A short video produced by headspace with tips and strategies for parents and carers during lockdown
- Student Mental Health and Wellbeing resources for advice
- Advice for students about how to adapt during COVID-19
- Resources for learning from home
- Translated resources for learning from home
Staying connected
Should there be any updates from the Department of Education and Training over the break then I will send out updates to you all via the newsfeeds. We will also be providing you all with links to our social media sites in this newsletter so that you can also receive updates in this way as well.
Facebook - MentoneGirlsSecondaryCollege/
Instagram -
I hope that everyone keeps well and is able to be back with their extended family and friends sooner rather than later.
All the best
Linda Brown