Careers & Pathways

Morrisby Career Profiles
Year 9 students are currently completing their Morrisby Career Profiles. Stage one, where students complete the online aptitude and personality questions, is now complete and this data is used by Morrisby to create a personal report for each student.
During week 2 of term 4 all year 9 students will have the opportunity to complete a 1:1 career interview with a Morrisby Career Consultant. The interviews will be held online (even if we’re back to onsite learning) and parents are invited to also join in the discussion. The career consultant will unpack individual student profiles, guiding them through the comprehensive 20 page report while also showing them how to utilise the Morrisby Career website to discover and explore career suggestions that are most suited to their career profile.
Tertiary study in 2022
Year 12 students applying for tertiary study through VTAC should now be finalising their account creation and including course preferences so they are then able to submit SEAS applications. Applications for Special Consideration (SEAS) are available to all local year 12 students applying for a tertiary place through VTAC and may result in an increased selection rank to get students into the course of their choice.
All students eligible for SEAS are eligible to apply for category 1 and category 4.6 for COVID-19 disruptions.
Applications for SEAS close on Friday 8 October, but to be guaranteed to have your submission checked and verified, they must be submitted by 4pm on Friday 17 September.
Student results and ATAR are expected to be released on 16 December 2021
Course preferences can continue to be changed online through student VTAC accounts until 4pm on 20th December (exceptions for portfolio submission and interview courses).
Additional information about VTAC SEAS is available here:
Student that would like guidance to complete their SEAS application can contact Karen Garton, Career and Pathways Coordinator: