
Will and Oscar

As we support our students to re-adjust to daily school routine, we recommend:

*Early bed times

*Plan plenty of time to get ready in the morning

*Minimise after school activities / plays at the park

*Practising GEM at the end of the day - think Dinner Time Chats - and focusing on what went well.

*Giving your child some downtime at the end of the day - to do nothing!


If your child is anxious about returning to school, try:

*Plan for something enjoyable at the end of the day for them to look forward to (e.g. get an ice cream)

*Organise for your child to meet a friend at the gate, or to walk to school with.

*Pre-load and prepare them for what the morning will look like, talk them through how you will say goodbye at the building door / two minute zone.

*Focus on what they enjoy about being at school rather than the fact that they might miss you (or the family pet!).

*Let them bring their comforter, or something of yours in their pocket.

*Contact your class teacher - it is extremely helpful to let us know so we can be prepared to provide extra support as needed.


Our whole school focus this term is Mindfulness. This is a nice, easy activity you might like to do on the way to school to support a calm start to the school day.

Mindful Walk

 You are going to go on a mindful walk. You can do this in your home, your yard or around the street. To work mindfully you need to walk without talking. See if you can find 3 things you have not noticed before.


Mood Changers!

Ever wake up on the wrong side of the bed? Just feel a bit flat? Did you know you can change your mood? There are three things you can do to improve your mood quickly.

  1. Listen to upbeat music
  2. Exercise
  3. Laugh

Give it a go. Pick one of the following;

How do you feel now? Give yourself a score out of 10 (If one is terrible and 10 is amazing). Research tells us that most likely your mood has improved slightly. Pick another activity and see how you feel after that. Next time you are feeling a bit down, try one of the three activities.



Links to the recordings of the RCH information sessions 

Supporting primary school children in their return to onsite learning



Effects of COVID-19 on children’s physical health



Supporting children’s mental health during the pandemic and beyond
