Mini School Updates

Junior School Report
We are so pleased to have our students back on site after another interrupted start to the term, we really missed their smiling faces. Our students continue to impress us with their resilience in how they have approached another challenging period of remote learning.
As we return to onsite learning can we remind our families about the importance of students attending school regularly and in correct uniform. During this transition period, we will work with our students to re-establish routines, to ensure they are in class on time with the correct materials and ready to learn.
Students will be completing their final learning tasks over the next few weeks as we rapidly move towards head start and students rolling into their year 8 and 9 classes.
This week we will be distributing some canteen vouchers to congratulate those students who attended over 85% of their term 3 remote learning classes. We are very proud of the efforts of these students and wanted to acknowledge their fabulous effort.
Year 8 Camp
We are really pleased that Year 8 camp to Licola is able to proceed on the 22nd November.
There will be a meeting next week for the students who have expressed interest in attending. Students will be receiving further information at this meeting including details of when the deposit needs to be paid.
Year 7 Transition
We look forward to welcoming our 2022 Year 7 cohort for the Lowanna Transition Day on the 6th December and State-wide Transition Day on the 7th December. We will have a range of activities for these students as they get a taste of what it is like to be a Lowanna student. Further details will be provided to families in the coming weeks.
Year 7 Orientation Camp to Phillip Island is booked for the 14 – 16 February 2022. Further details will be provided to students on the Lowanna Transition Day. There will be a $100 deposit and expression of interest due on the 10th December 2021.
Kristy Bannister
Junior School Manager
Middle School Report
As we come to the end of another extraordinary school year, which has been again interrupted by COVID-19, I would like to acknowledge the perseverance of students and staff during 2021.
It was wonderful to be finally back on site and seeing students engaging in their learning as well as socialising face to face even though it was a disruptive term.
During remote learning and upon return to onsite learning, we have been closely monitoring student attendance. A number of students have demonstrated consistently high attendance during this time and were given a reward for their diligence- check out the rewards below!
It is important for students to make sure that all work is completed on time and submitted to their teachers for final assessment, if students are unsure, they can look at their learning tasks on Compass or contact their teachers by email to see if they have any outstanding work that needs to be submitted before reports are written.
The school will be commencing the 2022 Head Start program on Monday the 1st of December for two weeks, students will be undertaking their 2022 classes. At the end of the two weeks I urge students to reflect upon their course choices for 2022 to ensure they have chosen the correct course. Changes to student’s courses will only occur during Head Start.
The number of students wearing full school uniform has been very pleasing, please note that the uniform exchange program will continue to run for the rest of this year and again next year.
In closing, I implore all students to try to achieve 100% attendance. While we understand that there are circumstances that cannot be avoided, it is very important if students can attend classes that they do so.
Darren Mitchell
Middle School Manager
Senior School Report
It certainly has been a whirlwind few weeks for our senior students. It has been terrific to see all students back and engaged in their learning. Our year 12 students formally completed their last days, and began exams last week with the 3 hour English exam taking place. All exams will be completed by the 17th November, and staff have been pleased with the preparation and efforts the students have shown in their application towards these exams. The Year 12’s will have a ‘Celebration’ day on Thursday 18th, followed by a Graduation Dinner on Friday 19th. This will be a great opportunity to farewell our Year 12’s.
Our year 11’s VCE and VCAL students are busy completing assessments in preparation for exams that will begin in Week 8. An exam timetable for the 4 day exam period will be posted shortly. I urge all to tackle these exams in a positive way, as it gives students a great picture of where they are at as they approach their final year of schooling.
After exams are completed, students will enter a 2 week ‘Headstart’ where Year 12 classes will begin. Again, this is a crucial period of time for all students, as new content will be taught, content that will contribute to their assessments throughout the course of the year.
I have been very pleased with the attitude that our students have shown in the past term. With an ever changing situation due to Covid, our students have taken changes and disruptions in their stride and have continued to focus on the core business of school. I’m sure the worst is now past us and we can look forward to a much more settled term and a smooth 2022.
Trevor Cox
Senior School Manager