Principal Update

I hope you are all well as we have navigated a challenging few weeks. I feel that it has been a constant narrative, the ongoing challenges of the past 18 months, as Covid continues to throw challenges at us. Despite this, we know we are stronger when we work together, and we appreciate the significant amount of parent support in the many conversations we have had recently.
End of Year and Headstart
We are very much looking forward to a brighter end to the year, as the vaccination rates continue to increase and the state opens up. Attendance was down on Monday, which was no doubt due to the Melbourne Cup long weekend, but it was great to the vast majority of our students at school later this week, after the disruption of school closures the fortnight before.
We have two more weeks of classroom learning ahead (Week 6 and 7), before exams begin for 10s and 11s, and Year 8 camp (all in Year 8). A reminder we have a student-free day on Friday 26th November.
Our all-important Headstart program commences on Monday 29th November. A reminder that in this two-week period, all students move up to their new year levels, begin their new classes, and meet their new teachers. It is very important that all students attend during this time, as it will involve two weeks of authentic learning from the 2022 curriculum.
We also look forward to welcoming our Grade 6s (or new Year 7s, as they’ll be on the two days), on Monday 6th and Tuesday 7th of December. We again have record enrolment numbers, with eight form groups joining us in Year 7 in 2022.
Year 12s and Exams
Well done to our Year 12s for their approach to finishing the year. Our VCE students have so far demonstrated great effort in the exam period, and the positivity they showed coming out of the English exam has created a new burst of energy across the cohort to get themselves through the rest of the exam period.
Staffing for 2022
Our recruitment for 2022 is nearly complete, and we welcome a range of new, bright, passionate teachers to our college for Headstart and next year. In English and/or Humanities we welcome Ms. Hannah Robertson-Sas and Ms. Tierney Evans. In Mathematics and Science, we welcome Ms. Rachel Martin, Ms. Amynta Robinson, and Ms. Miranda Calderwood.
Positions Vacant
We currently have two additional positions advertised for 2022 – a Careers Councillor position, and a Koorie Support Officer. Please contact the college if you would like any more information on this positions, or visit Recruitment Online for job details: Human resources: Recruitment Online (
Later this term we will write semester reports for all students. Given the level of disruption across the state again this semester, the Department of Education have advised that all schools will use modified reporting requirements, which will include a description of what was taught in each subject, and a Victorian Curriculum judgment (the ‘dots’), so you can see where your child is currently sitting in relation to the curriculum standards.
Thanks again for your support. I hope you get to enjoy some spring sunshine over the next few weeks.
Adam Hogan
College Principal