Specialist Hub

Specialist WebEx Timetable Week 3

Dear families,


Our Specialist team have very much enjoyed running engaging Webex sessions with the students throughout this lockdown. It has been such a joy to connect with the students through these sessions.


This week, we are all back at school full time, teaching classes and helping the junior students settle back into the school routine. Therefore, we won’t be able to run the usual Webex sessions.


We have come up with some fun and creative activities for students to engage in at home for their specialist subjects. We will release a choice board  on Seesaw on Monday morning at 9am that the students can dip in and out of over the week. During the week we will also be posting a variety of mini lessons for the students to engage with. These videos will be targeted at specific skills that link with each subject.


Looking forward to seeing you all onsite very soon.


Love, the Specialist Team


Australian Ballet Program


The Australian Ballet has started running a 4-week program for our students in Grades 2-4. The theme for this year's program is "Wilaygu Ngayinybula", or "Wilay the Possum".


We've had two sessions so far, and students have been engaging in a variety of dance and movement relating to STEM. The sessions link directly with our upcoming Festive concert, where the students will perform dances from this program as part of their concert item.


If your child missed any sessions, click on the images below that will link you to the videos: