Primary Department News


The 5/6 students have been very busy on Seesaw working on following and writing procedural texts, identifying short vowels, sorting, collecting and displaying data and addition and subtraction activities. Check out their fantastic work! Thanks again to the parents and carers for supporting our students learning!


This week the Preps have been so happy to be back in their classroom. We have enjoyed catching up with our teachers, playing with our friends and learning together. On Wednesday we celebrated Halloween! We dressed up in costume, made spooky crafts and went Trick or Treating. It was such a fun way to celebrate being back at school.


We were so excited to see some friendly 3.4 faces back onsite this week. Students had lots of fun engaging with their peers as they did some exploration, writing and counting. They have been doing a great job with their online learning as well as they send their teachers good morning videos and photos of what they have been learning at home. We have enjoyed hearing them read, seeing all their hard work writing, and counting money online.

The 3.4 Team cannot wait, and is so excited to see all students back to onsite learning next Wednesday and to have our classrooms filled back with their smiles and laughs.