Senior School Update

Erica Sporri

Senior School Engagement Leaders

On behalf of the whole Senior School team, we would like to congratulate all our students on their strength and adaptability during Term 3. Our senior students have had to work extra hard learning new content and completing assessments remotely due to remote learning. Congratulations to all students who have completed SACs and Outcomes online this term, you have all work extremely hard and have coped with so many different styles and types of assessments.


Year 10 Program

Year 10 Students participated in the Fashionista Sistas 'First Impressions' workshop (online). The workshop provided students with tips and tricks to help them be confident and successful in a job interview situation. These skills can be practiced and built on to ensure students continue to achieve success throughout their lives both personally and professionally.  The following topics were presented:

  • Techniques on how to use body language
  • Eye contact and the art of handshaking
  • Creating a visual resume
  • The importance of a first impression
  • What to wear and what not to wear
  • How social media may affect your success
  • Grooming
  • Being organised and getting the details right


Year 11 Exams

During the last week of this term the Year 11 (and Year 10 students completing Unit 1&2 subjects) students are completing their exams. Unfortunately, they will be having to do these online and won’t be receiving the exam experience we were hoping for. Nonetheless, this is still a great opportunity for students to practice and improve their revision and exam skills.


Wellbeing Wednesday

To encourage staff and students to have a break from their screens and get up and do something physical, creative and/or kind, the school organised a Wellbeing Wednesday in the middle of the term.  Staff and students were encouraged to spend the afternoon completing an activity from the grid and take photos as evidence of completion.


Congratulations to all the Senior School student winners!

  • Cameron Playfair - Year 10 (Strava Art)
  • Natalie Smith - Year 12 (Bake something amazing)
  • Bella White - Year 11 (Write an old school letter)

Entries from some of our senior students:









A big thank you to our Coordinators  

Thank you to the Senior Year Level Coordinators for their impressive dedication and support to all senior students during remote learning and a very difficult term. A special mention to your commitment to the students’ wellbeing and all the time you have invested into regular check-ins with students, online catch ups and contact with families. 

Meetings with the Prefect team and Year 11 Leaders team have still been running this term and it is great to see that our senior leaders have not lost any of their enthusiasm and passion for BHHS during remote learning. 

A big thank you as well for continuously trying to rearrange all our senior events that unfortunately were unable to run this term. A massive thank you also to Caroline Zhang for being the admin support we can always rely on.



Amy Longden – Year 12




Paul Rogers – Year 11 




Connor O’Sullivan – Year 10