Junior School Student Reflections

Year 7 Student Reflection
This Term, students were dreaded with yet another lockdown and the longest one this year yet. However, our fabulous teachers have been giving us great opportunities and helping us in rough times. A lot of teachers have introduced new ways of learning like Breakout Rooms, Pear Deck Presentations, using Quizlet as a fun way to learn, and the frequent Kahoots and Quizizz. During class, the teacher makes sure we are all doing well, and we also play some fun little games. I, personally, love these games because all teachers have their unique games and ways of playing them.
During lockdown, I have started to read a lot of books and gone out a lot when I have nothing else to do (which is almost all the time). One of the coolest things I have discovered is Geocaching, because of the clues and the scavenging. This is truly something you should try at least once.
One really exciting thing the teachers organised was the Wellness Wednesday because it truly motivated me to get active and be creative. I made an Obstacle Course at home with the help of my family and the end result was fabulous. It was extremely exciting to set up around the house and also try the course. Truly an amazing time - Aarav Akhouri, 7E
Year 8 Student Reflection
The last thing any of us wanted was a repeat of last year, where record cases were coming every single day, and it felt like it was never coming down. But what both of us have realised is that every lockdown is different. No lockdown will be the same from the last.
In that way, we tried to change our attitudes about lockdown and look on the bright sides that lockdown gave us. We tried to see what we could do better than we did last time. That could mean talking and connecting with our friends more or getting more sleep and focusing on our mental health, as well as setting up goals that we wanted to achieve. Lockdown also made us assured that we could stick with simple life schedules such as eating hot, scrumptious food instead of sandwiches that were made at least five hours before it was devoured as well as being able to go on a walk every day and spending more time with family.
Even though lockdown is the last resort that we as Victorians want to be in, we are so grateful to the many positives that would never be possible if we were to go to school onsite.
We hope you stay safe and well during the spring holidays - Aashi (8G) and Ayanna 8(H)Singh
Year 9 Student Reflection
Box Hill High School had been in lockdown and online learning for about half of term 3. It may seem quite tedious at first, but there were many opportunities we had and did over the lockdown. Students had a chance to work at their own pace at home, not having to finish everything during class time, and teachers had plenty of time to plan out lessons. There were also a lot of fun online quizzes and activities that classes did together, such as Kahoots and Quizlets. There are plenty of activities we did during lockdown, such as baking, photography, or going on walks, and Wellness Wednesday has made us realise that even in lockdown, life is full of options that doesn’t involve staring at the screen. We also had more free time on our hands, being able to spend more time with family, and catch up with friends online. Lockdown may have been extremely long, but we made the most of it. Nice! - Cayden Tan, 9Z