Careers Update
Anna Langley
Careers Update
Anna Langley
Welcome Tanya!
BHHS welcomes Tanya Notman to the role of Careers Administration.
Tanya joined us in Week 7 and has done an incredible job settling in remotely while also supervising her own children's learning at home. Tanya has a background in the VET sector and enjoys visual arts as a hobby. She looks forward to meeting staff and students on site in Term 4. We also farewell Janine Frank and wish her well at her new school.
Year 12 Pathways
We have enjoyed meeting with each Year 12 student to hear about their aspirations for life beyond school and to help them put their plans into action. Students whose plans involve further study at University or TAFE began their VTAC applications while others are preparing for apprenticeships and job interviews.
Girls STEAM Experience with Arcadis
Twenty Year 8 and 9 girls participated in the Arcadis Science, Technology, Arts and Mathematics online event. It was a fantastic opportunity for them to learn about careers in STEAM and to hear from and interact with female engineers from Arcadis.
Feedback from participating students was positive with comments including:
[It] was an inspiring event that really captures women’s growth and aspirations to lead in male-dominated industries. It also taught me a lot about the STEAM industry and the many careers available. Ayanna Singh, 8H.
We congratulate Aashi Singh of 8G on achieving the Engagement Award and Eloise Collins of 8A, Amelia Edwards of 8B and Eliza Phelan of 8C as the activity winners.
Work Experience
Due to current government restrictions, we are unable to proceed with work experience and structured workplace learning activities. When school returns, these activities may still be restricted, pending advice from DET. We hope to resume as soon as possible and are planning to proceed with these programs in 2022.
The Careers Team 2021
Anna Langley, Careers and Pathways Coordinator
Fiona Fuller, Careers and Pathways Assistant Coordinator
Tanya Notman Careers Administration