The Wellbeing Hub

Wear it Purple Day
The school community raised awareness for Wear it Purple Day in August to focus on ways to empower rainbow young people to be proud of who they are, and who they might become by supporting them at school and in our wider communities. It highlights the importance for awareness of pronouns, gender affirmation and the use of inclusive language.
BHHS participates in the Safe Schools program which supports all young people to feel safe at school. All students, regardless of their sexuality or gender, are valued members of our school community, which aims to provide respect, acceptance and tolerance for all.
Students are reminded they are welcome to attend the Q&A Group on Tuesday lunchtimes in the Wellbeing Hub.
Wellness Wednesday
It was wonderful for our school community to engage with Wellness Wednesday and take up the challenges in an effort to reset our mindset mid-term. It is vital for each of us to be self-aware in monitoring our moods and actively trying different things to help regulate how we feel. The staff are so proud of the efforts made by all our students to shine in their own way during remote learning.
R U Ok Day 2021
The Year 11 Leaders have been eager to increase awareness to optimise our mental health. In Term 3 they have been promoting R U Ok Day awareness at school.
The second Thursday of September is R U OK? Day – a day dedicated to inspiring and empowering everyone to meaningfully connect with people around them by asking the simple question “Are you OK?”
However as we all know, having a meaningful conversation with teenagers can be tricky. That’s why ReachOut Australia has created resources to help parents help their young people.
Find out how you can effectively communicate with your childand somepractical things to try to engage your teenager in a meaningful conversation.
Year 11 leaders have set a challenge for each of us to connect with our friends or family by trying the following:
- Make a Spotify playlist for a friend
- Make a phone call or video call someone you haven't talked to in a while
- An act of kindness (maybe with a note) e.g bake cookies, send flowers, make a card
- Go on a walk with a family member or friend
- Send or give a note to a friend or family member
The Wellbeing Team 2021
Felicity Shiel-Jones, Wellbeing Leader
Tiffany Casey, Counsellor
Colin Osborn, Counsellor
Bowen Guan,
Mental Health
Classroom Learning Support Staff
Dani Balon
Jenny Muller
Shivangi Sharma
School Psychologist
Felicity Cronan