Facebook Page Launch

Fairhills High School Facebook Page
Dear Community
We have great pleasure in announcing that Fairhills High School will have its own Facebook page. We're excited but also a little nervous.
We're very excited about implementing one of the most powerful communication devices since the telephone and moving forward with the way we connect with our modern parents. Research tells us that 70% of all Australians between the ages of 15 to 65 are using Facebook. We also see that in excess of 80% of Facebook users log in every day. Placing our school communications in a space where our community goes to often makes a lot of sense. We're also very keen to open up communications and if you 'like' what we post, we'd love you to give us the Facebook thumbs up too.
We are though a bit nervous and we seek your support to make this a positive experience for all our community. We will be implementing a number of controls typically used by other organisations; these controls mean the page will not be as open as say the way a teenager may use Facebook. Even with controls, it does rely on all those using the page to do so in a tone and spirit that helps us to build a strong and connected school community. We do want to be good social media role models for our children.
For anyone wishing to use our Facebook page, the best way to receive the updates is to visit www.facebook.com/FairhillsHS and press the thumbs up 'like' button. This way when we post updates, you'll receive them in your page - easy. This action will also allow you to comment and 'like' our posts. Please also read our Facebook Code of Conduct document - it is important you understand how we believe the facility can be used best.