
National Day of Action Against Bullying & Violence
Friday 17/3/2017 is National Day of Action against bullying and violence. With many other schools around Australia we will be taking a stand against bullying and violence. We will be holding a special General Assembly to acknowledge the day, make a pledge against bullying and to focus on how to support students take action against bullies as a bystander. I encourage all parents to have a look at the 'bullynoway website' and to have conversations with their child about bullying and the importance of the role a bystander can have. We are encouraging our students to stand up to bullying and to voice their opinion, in a safe way. Following the day, there will be discussions and lessons about bullying delivered to all year levels leading into the end of term.
Lead the Way - Animal Assisted Therapy
We are excited to announce that Lead the Way- Animal Assisted Therapy are offering all Fairhills High School students bulk billing, which means those students who get a mental health care plan are eligible for up to 12 sessions free. We are very excited to have Naomi and her dog Jet come to school every Tuesday to offer our students some extra support. If your child is in need of counselling but is anxious about the traditional counselling setting, then animal assisted therapy may be a perfect solution. Please contact me directly to discuss.
Check out Lead the Way Australia on Instagram to meet Jet and other therapy animals.
We are currently taking expressions of interest for a STRESS MANAGEMENT GROUP, which we hope to start in Term 2 for up to 6 students. The students involved would need to get a mental health care plan from their GP before being accepted into the group. This group would be ideal for students who are in need of stress management strategies and who may prefer to work in a group than receive individual counselling.
Donations Needed!! Please Help!!
Due to the number of families requiring financial assistance we have set up a account for donations. We have a number of families who are struggling to pay for their basic needs such as rent and food and are finding it extremely difficult to afford books, uniform, excursions, camps and food for school. Any donations would be greatly appreciated and will go straight into a donations account and used by Wellbeing only, with 100% of donations going directly to students in need. At the beginning of the week you will be able to find a donation form on Compass, however in the mean time you can attend the office and let them know you would like to make a donation to Wellbeing.
Parent/Teacher Interviews
I will once again be available for appointments during Parent Teacher Interviews on the 28/3/17. I encourage parents to take the opportunity to meet with me and discuss any concerns you may have in relation to your child’s wellbeing. Please feel free to book an appointment online through Compass.
Chill Skills
Chill Skills is a FREE eight-week support program available to young people aged 10 – 12 years’ old who may be experiencing anxiety, low mood or worries which may be impacting themselves, school and / or home. Chill Skills is aimed at increasing young people’s resilience, confidence and self-acceptance, through group activities and discussions. Young People will learn skills to manage their feelings associated with anxieties or worries.
Due to the overwhelming demand, there is currently a waiting list to attend the next round of this program. For more info or to be put on the waiting list, contact Kate Arnott on 9298 8868 or kate.arnott@knox.vic.gov.au or Michelle Pascoe on 9298 8311 or michelle.pascoe@knox.vic.gov.au
Navigating the Journey-Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Parent Workshop
Learn strategies on how to advocate and support your young person, tools to support yourself and your family, and how to feel encouraged in your role as your young person's advocate. This is a FREE workshop.
Date: Thursday 23 March 6.30-8.30pm
Knox City Council, Civic Centre, Room 4, 511 Burwood Hwy Wantirna South.
Bookings are essential:
For more info contact Michelle Pascoe 9298 8311 michelle.pascoe@knox.vic.gov.au
Paul Graham
Student Wellbeing Coordinator