Parent/Teacher Interviews

Parent/Student/Teacher Interviews
Parent/Student/Teacher interviews for Semester 1 will be held from 12pm-8pm on Tuesday 28th March. There will be no lessons during the day. Students will remain at home completing work set by their teachers. In addition, students are expected to attend and participate in the interviews with their parents. Interviews will be for 10 minutes each.
Interviews will be booked online through the Compass portal. This system allows parents to make appointments with classroom teachers, as well as level coordinators and Paul Graham, our Student Welfare Coordinator, if required.
Instructions on how to make appointments are attached to a News feed item on Compass and are also accessible via the school website. The booking system will be available to Parents from 7pm Tuesday 21st March (one week prior to the interview day).
If you have misplaced your log in details for Compass, please contact the General Office on 9758 5022. If you have any further questions regarding the booking system, please contact Jennifer Oliver on 9758 5022.
Jennifer Oliver
Director of e-Learning