Dates to Remember

Term 1 & 2, 2017
Tue 14th - Fri 17th March
- Y12 O/Ed Bike Tour
Thurs 16th March
- School Athletics Day
Thurs 23rd March
- Open Night
Mon 27th March
- Y7 Immunisations
Tues 28th March
- Parent/Teacher/Student Interviews
Fri 31st March
- Last day of Term 1
(students finish at 2.30pm)
Tues 18th April
- Term 2 begins
Wed 26th - Fri 28th April
- Y12 High Country Camp
Thurs 20th April
- Academies Open Night
Tues 2nd - Fri 5th May
- Y9 Camp
Tues 9th - Thurs 11th May
Sat 20th May
- Presentation Ball
Thurs 8th June
-Y11 Exams begin
Wed 14th June
- GAT Exam
Sat 17th - Sun 18th June
- Musical Camp
Fri 30th June
- Y12 Formal
- Last day of Term 2