
It is with great sadness that we will farewell Nana Josho our ATJ (Assistant Teacher of Japanese) at the end of term. Nana has been with us for a year, and is much loved by students and staff alike. Nana has brought a quiet and polite manner to classrooms to encourage our students in their study of Japanese. Recently she has been invaluable, helping classes that do not have their regular teacher. I am sure everyone will miss her, and we wish her luck in the future. If only you could stay on Nana! Thank you to Elli Burden and her family for hosting Nana, and previously the Guthrie family.
Fairhills was fortunate enough to host Risako Saga a Japanese intern through ICC. Risako assisted in classes, and helped prepare materials. She also fell in love with koalas and loved the shopping opportunities in Melbourne. We thank Alison Kiefer for hosting Risako, and Risako for helping us out in the Languages Department.
Just a reminder that there will be a meeting about the Japan Study Trip on Thursday March 30 at 6pm in C2A. It is essential for students and parents to attend if you are interested in participating. For more information about the trip please contact Ms Winstone the Languages Coordinator.
We are seeking host families for Japanese students visiting Fairhills from Monday July 31 to Tuesday August 15. It seems like a long way away, but we need to get organised as soon as possible. If you would like to share your home with a Japanese student, please contact Ms Winstone the Languages Coordinator.
Jessica Winstone
Languages Coordinator