Instrumental Music

Fairhills High School has 5 days of Instrumental Music teaching occuring on a weekly basis.
New to the staff this year is Mr Luke James, he is teaching Brass instruments - trumpet & trombone.
Mr Peter Croucher - Guitar
Ms Jessy Turner - Voice
Ms Erica Sykes - Keyboard, Violin
Ms Nicole McAlister - Flute, Clarinet, Saxophone
Mr Alex Gooding - Drums
Mr Luke James - Trumpet, Trombone
Year 7
36 Year 7 students have already begun learning a musical instrument this year!! Over 85 students are enrolled in weekly lessons.
Opportunity to Learn a Musical Instrument
There are still opportunities to learn a musical instrument. If any students are interested in learning a musical instrument, please collect/return an enrolment form from the General Office or contact Nicole McAlister at for details.
Performance Dates
Thurs March 23rd - Open Night
Tues May 30th - NEVR Regional Concert at Hamer Hall, Melbourne
Mon 31st July - Fairhills High School Annual Music Concert, Swinburne Theatre
Nicole McAlister
Instrumental Music Coordinator