Principal's Report

Principal's Report
Since our last Newsletter the school has been a hub of activity. From whole day sporting events to camps to our external School Review. Each of these events has had an opportunity to show the Community what Fairhills High School truly represents.
The school Review has been a significant part of this term and has given the whole school community an opportunity to share with a group of external reviewers their thoughts on the school. The Reviewers have visited classrooms to observe the level of engagement our students have in their learning as well as how the teachers are delivering content to our students. They have spoken with many teachers in many different roles within the school to understand the context of the school. Groups of five students were taken from each year level across all learning pathways and interviewed to gather their views on the school. Parents and local primary school principals’ opinions were also gathered. It has been a rigorous process that has been undertaken to allow us to reflect on what we do well and what we need to do to improve. As a school we are always seeking ways to deliver a high quality education that gives positive learning outcomes to our students and we believe this review process will deliver positive outcomes for our school community.
We wish to thank all people involved in this review process for their honesty and willingness to be part of this ongoing improvement opportunity. The findings of the Review will be available early next term and we look forward to further developing our existing programs and implementing new strategies.
The next few weeks continue to be extremely busy with Open Night on Thursday 23rd March at 6:30pm. This year we are adding an Academy Information Evening scheduled for 20th April starting at 6.00pm. This will give parents the opportunity to follow up their particular interests at a second Open Night.
Our Parent Teacher interviews are on Tuesday 28th March from 12:00pm to 8pm. We strongly encourage you to make appointments on Compass to meet your childs teacher and to receive valuable feedback on the students' progress.
Looking forward to your continued support of the school’s programs.
Adrienne Tanner
Acting Associate Principal