Secondary News

Springing into Term 4

Year 8 have hit the new term running, caring for the Ag Plot and giving aspects of it a face lift!

The students have been working hard to get the plot ready for a sizzling summer by weeding, fertilising, spreading sugar cane mulch and checking the water efficiency of the garden.

Since our wonderful addition of the tractor tyres as garden beds in the plot, students have started to paint them white to reflect the heat (ultimately making the beds cooler and help increase the moisture retention rate).

An amazing term of agriculture is about to be had, and the Year 8's are excited to show you what is yet to come!


Year 8 Gardening tip:


"Watering plants early in the morning or late afternoon/night prevents water evaporating during the heat of the day. This will also prevent your plants from getting stressed and allow them to grow happily."


Student Diary Usage

Please continue checking in with your child's diary each week to ensure you are aware of the homework and assessment schedule's that have been set.


Caregivers are asked to sign the student diary once a week to confirm that all parties are aware of student responsibilities for this time period.


If you are unsure of the requirements of the school diary, please make contact with your child's Pastoral teacher.