Year 10 Work Experience

Cranbourne Secondary College’s Year 10 Work Experience program will be taking place in the final week of term, 18 – 22 September. Approximately half of our Year 10 students have found a placement and you might see them working in a number of places in our local community over that week. If you are a parent of a Year 10 student on Work Experience, it would be great if you can take some time to talk with them about their day to day activities. Many of them find being in the workplace to be a challenging experience – work is indeed very different to school!
Students who DO NOT have a work experience placement will be expected to attend school during this last week. Most classes will run as normal even if there are reduced numbers in some. In some cases classes might be collapsed. In this case students would go to Study Hall and they will have an assignment to complete over this time.
If families have previously organised a holiday during this last week of term they should contact the school to provide details of this. Students who do not attend during the last week without a valid reason will be followed up.
If you have any questions about work experience you should contact Carren Brennan on 59963544.