News from the Careers Office

Applications for 2018 entry
Open – 7 August 2017 at 9am
Close – 28 September 2017 at 5pm
Special Entry Access Scheme (SEAS)
Open – 7 August 2017 at 9am
Close – 10 October 2017 at 5pm
VTAC Scholarships
Open – 7 August 2017 at 9am
Close – 13 October 2017 at 5pm
Change of Preferences
Open – 7 August 2017 at 9am
Close – 20 December 2017at 12noon
For more details regarding important dates, and applicable fees, please refer to
Career News for Year 12 Students
Year 12 students, in both the VCE and Senior VCAL programs, have been busy working through their post-secondary school options this term.
Kathie Jacobs, our vocational careers practitioner has been meeting with our Senior VCAL students and helping them with their 2018 plans.
Sharon Bourne, our tertiary education careers practitioner, has delivered a number of workshops to the VCE Year 12 students to assist them to register on VTAC to make their tertiary course applications. She also presented an after school session on how to complete a SEAS application on the VTAC system. It is important that students take up these opportunities to stay informed. Every student applying for a tertiary course via VTAC should tick SEAS Category 1.
Each VCE Year 12 student has been required to make an appointment to meet with Sharon Bourne this term. A number of students are yet to make their appointment and we would encourage them to do so before the end of term 3.
- Higher education reform package update (cost of higher education in 2018)
It is always important for prospective TAFE and university students to make informed decisions and consider the cost of tertiary education. At the moment, there is legislation that has yet to go through the Senate regarding higher education. The table below is a simple explanation of the possible changes (if the legislation passes) and the impact it will have on the cost of higher education for Australian Permanent Residents and New Zealand Citizens.
Australian Permanent Residents and New Zealand Citizens
Current Situation
Eligible for Commonwealth Supported Places (Type 1 – subsidised)
Not eligible for Commonwealth Supported Places
(must pay full fees)
Not eligible for HECS-HELP loans (must pay upfront each semester)
Eligible for FEE-HELP loans (can defer payment until they are earning above the minimum threshold)
Proposed reform
Not eligible for Commonwealth Supported Places
(must pay full fees)
Eligible for FEE-HELP loans (can defer payment until they are earning above the minimum threshold)
***For any questions about government loan schemes for further education students can visit the Study Assist website or phone Study Assist on 1800 020 108.
A huge thank you to our Afghan community
We recently hosted a workshop run by the Careers Education Association of Victoria, along with the assistance of a Dari interpreter, where a small group of parents discussed and took part in activities which emphasised their role in supporting their children in their career exploration and decision making. Along with a rundown of the structure of the Victorian Education system, parents were introduced to the five key themes of career planning. They are:
- Change is constant
- Enjoy the journey
- Follow your heart
- Learning is ongoing
- Use your networks
If you’d like more information about how you can help your child/ren understand these key career planning concepts please contact a member of the careers team.