The newsletter this month provides me with an opportunity to highlight two important areas. Firstly, regular student attendance is critical for effective learning and maximising opportunities for success. While attempts are made to have students catch up on work missed due to absence, it is never the same as being in class to experience the learning first hand. Our College is investing heavily in improving teacher capacity but this will not be effective if students are regularly missing classes. We rely on the support of parents to ensure their sons and daughters are organised and ready to attend school every day. Regular student attendance will be a major school focus over the next few years and, if successful, will help all our students to achieve the best outcomes possible.
Secondly, I want to encourage parents to become more engaged with our College in a range of ways. Research has shown that a strong partnership between parents and their child’s school helps to achieve improved outcomes for students. I encourage all parents to connect with our school, take an interest in their children’s education and communicate with the teachers, year level coordinators and administration of the school if assistance is required. The partnership between students, their parents and the school is at the heart of our College community, and I am determined to nurture this relationship in an effort to achieve the best outcomes for students.
I hope that Term 3 has been a successful one for our students and they can look forward to an enjoyable holiday at the end of the month.
John Jovic
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