Working with the Community


When Ewan Wood walked in off the street, looking for a space to build a 16 metre dinosaur, an opportunity presented itself for a VCAL student.

Ewan runs a company called Natural History Productions who build a variety of large models for museums, parks and educational institutions. Natural History Productions (NHP) has a strong history in the design, manufacture, installation & maintenance of interpretive displays & exhibits. Their clients include Museums, Zoos & Wildlife Parks Visitor & Cultural Centres, the Tourism & Private Industry.

Ewan was introduced to Larry O’toole from Autoplex Castlemaine, where a space has been leased for 9 months to allow the project to happen.

VCAL student Leo Patterson will apply his interests in model construction to work with Ewan and help build the dinosaur as a commission for a Perth Museum. Leo’s work will count as a Work Placement and his Personal Development project.

Last Thursday was Leos first day where he worked on the process of finishing a large shark for a Perth client. 

Once a large 3-d shape is laser cut in polystyrene foam block, the intricate art work begins bringing the inanimate object to life.



Things are starting to hot-up at the Autoplex site at Etty street.

The newly formed Autoplex Castlemaine is keen to work with young people in the Mt Alexander Shire, and the obvious partnership was to connect with VCAL students who share the Etty St. site.

Autoplex representative, Kim Michelmore, was thrilled was the response when an informal introduction turned into a two hour meeting with representatives from VCAL and Autoplex brainstorming ideas about what could be possible.

“What a fantastic first session”, Michelmore said. “These are young people with a real interest in automotive and they have plenty of ideas that they would like to develop.”

Two projects came out of the brainstorming sessions that students will help develop and trial. The first is the art of pinstriping, and the second is an introduction into automotive maintenance.

Both courses will be pilot programs developed and tested by VCAL and Autoplex Castlemaine. Once the courses have been developed and fine-tuned, Autoplex will roll out the courses targeting a range of different community groups and demographics.

VCAL co-ordinator Steve Carroll said: “This is a wonderful opportunity for VCAL students to have a guiding hand in developing a program that is going to have such a big impact in our local community. This has the potential to be an educational community partnership of the highest standard.”

The next task for the students is to search for funding and craft applications to develop the ideas to the pilot stage.

Student Achievement – Ada Levis (Mount Alexander Shire Australia Day Awards for 2020)

Many students and families would be already know of Ada’s association with local band Stop that Mammoth, however most are probably unaware of her productivity within the local community. During 2019 Ada played an integral role in coordinating and supporting numerous musical events within the Castlemaine Community and in recognition of her work, she was awarded with the 2020 Mount Alexander Shire Young Citizen of the Year Award.


To access the article on the Mount Alexander Shire Council website please click on the link below.



To understand what motivates Ada, she has answered a series of questions in relation to her achievements.

When did you first become really interested in music and what led you to start coordinating music events? I first got into playing music in year 9. My friends and I started a band and I just got really into it.


What do you really enjoy from being involved in the music scene?

Defiantly playing gigs and meeting awesome likeminded people is my favourite part of being involved in Castlemaine’s music scene.


What type of career pathway do you wish to pursue?

I would love to work in community radio.

Youth Development Opportunity

Applications are currently open for the Rotary Youth Program of Enrichment (RYPEN) for students currently in year 9, 10 or 11 and aged 15 to 17.  Successful applicants will be fully sponsored by the Rotary Club of Castlemaine with transport provided to and from the camp.

Conducted over a weekend (24-26 April 2020) at the Doxa Youth Camp in Malmsbury, participants are encouraged to learn to understand themselves and others, and manage their relationships, lives, work and learning more effectively. It is an ideal experience for those lacking in confidence to broaden their horizons culturally, socially and academically.

Recent CSC students who have benefited from this experience include Talullah Foley and Karli Showell who both said it was a once in a lifetime opportunity. ‘I learnt a lot more about myself and met a whole heap of strangers that are now lifelong friends. It was an amazing 48 hours and I’d recommend it to anyone,’ said Talullah.

An online application process including parental consent needs to be completed at the very latest by 27 March. Places are limited so Rotary Castlemaine’s Youth Director, Kerry Anderson, recommends that interested students apply early.

Information packs are available at the CSC office or to request a link to the online application form email .

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