Principal Update

Welcome to New Staff and Students
I take this opportunity to welcome all newcomers to the CSC community. At the start of the year, we welcomed another large intake of Year 7 students, a new Year 9 Steiner class and several other students who have transferred to CSC from other secondary schools. Our Year 7 students have already had a busy start to the year, which has included a camp to Campaspe Downs in Week 2 and the welcome barbecue last week. It was fantastic to see so many parents of our Year 7 students at the barbecue last week.
Several new staff have commenced at CSC this year, and they are:
• Peta Firth - Maths, Science and 7E2 Mentor
• Ellen Nyberg - Maths, Science and 8L2 Mentor.
• Robert Ball - Art, FLO Integration and 10 Steiner co-Mentor
• Ruth McNamara - French and 8N2 Mentor.
• Venkata Aluri - Maths and 10W Mentor
• Polly Cotton - English and 7P2 Mentor
• Julian Vearing - PE and 7W2 Mentor
• Brendan O’Donnell - PE, Science and 7W1 Mentor.
• Kerri Aitken - Administration Assistant
• Dwaine Kirk - Integration Aide
At the end of last year, we also farewelled Jane Lau (to Bendigo Senior Secondary College) and Kat Nicholls (to Echuca College). I thank Jane and Kat for their valuable service at CSC over many years and wish them well as they continue their careers at their new schools.
Recently we also wished a happy retirement to long serving staff member Sue Paull our Finance Manager, who has worked at the school for 39 years. Sue will be missed and we acknowledge her dedication to the school throughout her years here.
Celebration of Year 12 Results
At the end of last year, our Year 12 students were provided with their final results. Congratulations to the 59 VCE students and 11 VCAL students who attained their Year 12 certificates. Particular highlights were:
- An increase in our median VCE Study Score for the third consecutive year. Our mean study score of 28.52 places us as one of the highest achieving secondary colleges in north central Victoria.
- A continuing increase in the percentage of students achieving ATARs above 60 compared with the past two years
- Nine of our VCAL students achieving VCAL certificates at the Senior Level.
- Michael Shannon was our Dux with an ATAR of 97.95 (including a Study Score of 50 for Business Management).
- Abigail Meadows was our Dux Proximus with 97.6.
- Other students to achieve ATARs over 90 were Fletch Canny (94.7), Cohen Saunders (93.2) and Reuben Macdougall-Di Manno (91.1).
- The following students achieved ATARs in the 80s: Yannan Mountain-Walker (88.5), Ella Hayes (86.4), Illiah Carolan (83.45) and Arlo Johnston (82.85).
Once again, congratulations to all students who completed Year 12 and achieved their VCE or VCAL Certificates in 2019.
Building Update
As you have probably observed, our new building works continue to progress rapidly. Our new Library and Administration Building is now due to completed towards the end of Term 2, as are the extensions to the Performers’ Building. This means that our students and staff should be using these spaces from the start of Term 3. The Artisans’ Building is scheduled for completion at the end of September. After this time, the remaining sections of the original buildings will be demolished and a newly landscaped area will be created in the middle of the school.
Paul Frye