Art & Library

Chandelier Project
These are a few of the images from last years "Chandalier Project" by our fabulous artist
The images were produced by Lorena Carrington a member of the Art Support group. Many thanks to all who participated. It has been a very successful beginning to our Artist in Residence program.
This chandelier will have it's permanent home in the Artisans building when completed later in the year.
Clayton Tremlett
Library website
Our library at Castlemaine Secondary College is not just a physical space with physical resources. We have a wealth of online material available to students from home as well as from school. Library events and programs, information databases, research help and more can be found on the Library website. Access to both the website and the library catalogue is via the library page on the College website. Please take the time to explore our online resources, and if anyone needs support in using them, don’t hesitate to contact the library staff.
Ebooks and audio books
Students and their families are invited to borrow ebooks and audio books from our online library (Wheelers eplatform). We have access to a shared collection of over 2000 titles, selected specifically for secondary students, which can be read/listened to via phone, tablet or computer, with the option of downloading them for offline access. Use the following login details:
username: wifi/google username
password: Library1
Library Orientation
Over the past few weeks all year 7 students have participated in the Library Passport program as part of their introduction to Castlemaine Secondary College. Students have undertaken a variety of activities, including:
- Logging on to the College network
- Getting to know the library (including a scavenger hunt)
- Book Tasting
- Research Skills testing
- Introduction to databases
- Introduction to plagiarism and bibliographies
The Passport program is an important way for students to get to know the library, its staff and its services.
Andrea McDonald
Librarian Teacher