
Whitehorse Youth Services 

Whitehorse International White Ribbon Breakfast

Wellbeing Day  Monday 9 December 

Monday 9 December  is our Years 7-9 Wellbeing Day. It will incorporate team building games (including a Zumba dance class at lunchtime and challenging obstacle games), Art Therapy, a Respectful Relationships workshop and a variety of presentations by Headspace and Relationships Australia. There will also be student information stands at lunchtime from Headspace and Youth ConneXions (Whitehorse City Council Youth Services). The Wellbeing team also ran a competition for Years 7-9 to design a poster for Wellbeing Day to use to promote this fantastic day.

Thank you to Analia Sim (9E) who designed the poster for this event




Michael Oaten

Director of Learning  - Learning Enhancement 


The Wellbeing Team