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Code Camp  | Tower Magazine | Anxiety Treatment Study


CodeCamp - October Holidays


Kinross Wolaroi Junior School is very excited to welcome back CodeCamp in the October Holidays. Programs on offer this time will be Spark Coding (7-12 year olds) and Animation Camp (6-10 year olds). The camps will be held in the Junior School on Wednesday 5th and Thursday 6th October. The scheduled day is from 9:00am to 4:00pm, but we are now offering extended care from 8:30am until 5pm, which parents will need to indicate during registration. Click on this link to register:


Information flyers have been emailed to Junior School Parents as part of the Week 5 Weekly Communications, and have also been uploaded onto the Hub. Parents can use their Creative Kids vouchers and there is an early bird offer on the flyer.


For our December programs (8-9th) we have scheduled 3 exciting camps - Drone Camp, YouTube Creators and Ignite (Coding). Registration details about these camps will be distributed during Term 4.


Mrs Muriel Fatai
Junior School Leader of Technology and Innovation

The 2021 Tower Magazine

In a move towards better sustainability, we have moved to a 'print on demand' provider.  For the first time the yearbook will be in full colour throughout, making it an even better memento of your child's year at school.








Australian Childhood Anxiety Treatment Study

Free home-based assessment and treatment for 7 to 12 year old children with fear and anxiety disorders.


Does your child become very afraid of certain situations or objects, worry about a lot of things, get very distressed, or try to avoid things they fear?


About the study

Our team at Griffith University may be able to assist you. We are conducting a nationwide study that includes the following services at no cost to families:

  • A thorough assessment of your child’s anxiety with a trained psychologist via the telephone;
  • Your child receiving one of two kinds of home- based treatments delivered on a PC, laptop or tablet; and
  • Two follow-up telephone assessments with a trained psychologist 6- and 12-monthsafter treatment to track your child’s progress.

The study aims to find out if these two treatments are as effective as each other, and which children have the best response to each kind of treatment. This will mean that there are more evidence-based treatments available for helping anxious children.


About the treatments

Each treatment involves your child completing treatment sessions at home on a PC, laptop or tablet.

Each treatment involves your child learning practical strategies to better manage anxiety.

  • One treatment helps children learn to control the focus of their attention on helpful things around them.
  • The other treatment helps children learn to think differently and approach things they fear.

Each treatment includes information, telephone or email support for parents in assisting their child to better manage anxiety.

Prior studies have shown that children who complete each treatment experience significant reductions in anxiety.


Contact us

This study is being funded by the National Health and Medical Research Council and is led by Professor Allison Waters and a team of experts in childhood anxiety disorders.


For more information about our study and our team, or if you would like your child to participate, please contact us:


(07)3735 3351