Year One/Two News 

Reading Comprehension

We have started this term investigating and understanding what we read. Comprehension forms a crucial part of reading, especially once we have learnt to read unfamiliar words. Last week we looked at literal comprehension, what is stated in the text or in pictures. This week, we have moved to inferential comprehension, sometimes known as 'reading between the lines'. We use what we already know as well as looking for clues in the text to understand or infer the author's message. 

Melbourne Museum

We are getting excited about our visit to Melbourne on Thursday! Thank you to all parents and carers for returning permission slips and payments. Our buses leave school at 9am so we would ask that parents have their child(ren) at school at 8.45am. Please remember students must be in full school uniform. We will not be taking school bags with us so please have your child's snack and lunch in separate paper bags with their name clearly labelled on both. Each student will also need to have their water bottles with them. We are departing Melbourne at 1.30pm so will be back at the end of the school day. If your child will be absent on Thursday, please notify the school, either via Sentral or a phone call, so we are informed.