Deputy Principal Teaching and Learning Report

VCE Year 12: entering the home straight

The year is flying quickly, and our Year 12 students have already completed three-quarters of their formal teaching time for VCE Units 3 & 4 studies, which will finish by the end of this term.  This will enable students to prepare for the compulsory Trial Exams during the 2nd week of the mid-semester break – from Monday 26 September to Thursday 29 September – and the intensive exam teaching and revision in Term 4. 


At the same time, increasing numbers of students are rightfully celebrating reaching ‘legal’ adulthood and driving age.  With these competing life milestones, it is important for students to remain focused on looking after their physical and emotional well-being, knowing the significant impacts these have on learning and study. A few areas to focus upon might be:

  • Ensure a good night’s sleep each night: 8 hours refreshes both body and mind;
  • Keep study (and all parts of life!) on the 'exam body clock'; i.e. the end of year exams occur between 9.00am – 5.15pm. A student’s mind and body needs to be conditioned to waking and operating at its peak during these times;
  • Eat healthy, fresh foods in a balanced diet, minimising sugars and caffeine, and keep well-hydrated with water;
  • Maintain a quiet place in which to complete homework, study and revision (the exam centre has no music, mobiles, internet or TV!);
  • Computers and other electronic devices are used only when necessary to complete the required work;
  • Attending school each day of the week and providing medical certificates when absent.

Subject Selection 

It was great to see so many parents and students at the Careers Expo and Subject Selection Evening. A reminder that all Course Guides and Subject Guides for 2023 are available to students and parents via the College website at  Course Guides are available in the top section. Click on the relevant button and you will be able to view or download the Guide. In the Learning Area section, there is information about the pathways of each subject area when you click the button marked 'Flowchart'. You can also access information about Year 10 and VCE subjects in this area. The Subject Selection website closed on Tuesday 9 August and signed forms are due to Pastoral teachers by Thursday 11 August.

Staff Professional Learning Day 19 August: Student Free Day

On Friday 19 August, teachers and Administration staff will take part in the Staff Professional Learning Day. Teachers will focus on professional learning in their Learning Area teams. There will be a focus on Rubrics and the Action Research that teachers are undertaking as part of their Annual Review Meeting.



Ms Claire Nailon

Deputy Principal Teaching and Learning