Health & Wellness

Understanding Your COVID-19 Infectious Period

The COVID-19 infectious period can vary but most people are considered to be infectious from 48 hours before their symptoms start.

Isolation periods are guidelines since the disease acts differently in each person. 

If you still have symptoms, you may still be contagious.

What you need to know

People who still have acute respiratory symptoms, such as fever, cough, shortness of breath or sore throat, after 7 days are still considered to be infectious.


The COVID-19 virus is passed on by coughing, or by contact with hands, surfaces or objects that are contaminated with the virus. While you have symptoms, and immediately after, keep your distance from others, wash your hands and cover your mouth with your elbow if you have a lingering cough.


COVID-19 can spread quickly and is more contagious than the flu.


If 7 days have passed and you still have acute respiratory symptoms (such as a cough, runny nose or sore throat) since your first positive test, you should keep isolating until these symptoms have resolved.

Find more COVID clarity from here.


Respiratory Clinics

If you or a family member are unwell and not able to see your usual GP there are Respiratory Clinics available set up by the Government specifically for people with respiratory symptoms. 


These clinics are dedicated GP Respiratory Clinic for patients with low acuity respiratory symptoms. Patients with any of the following symptoms are strongly encouraged to make an appointment to attend a clinic: fever, cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, shortness of breath.


Patients can access a respiratory assessment and receive support in the immediate management of their condition. The clinic will provide short-term management of the patient’s acute, immediate respiratory needs, with longer term management supported by referral back to the patient’s regular GP.


Our closest Respiratory Clinic is in 2/593 Whitehorse Road, Mitcham

You can make a booking online by visiting their web page here.