Community News

'Dream, Believe, Achieve in 2022'

Jetty Road roundabout, Rosebud - pedestrian & traffic flow improvements.

The Department of Transport is delivering interim treatments to improve pedestrian safety and traffic flow at the Mornington Peninsula Freeway and Jetty Road roundabout in Rosebud.

Approximately 3,500 vehicles travel through this intersection during the morning and afternoon peak. During peak holiday season, this number increases significantly. Jetty Road services many homes, businesses, schools and community facilities. Currently, there is no safe place for pedestrians and cyclists to cross over the Mornington Peninsula Freeway at Jetty Road.

Treatments to be delivered as part of the package of works include:

  • A new signalised pedestrian crossing on the west side of the southern Mornington Peninsula Freeway and Jetty Road roundabout
  • Roundabout metering at selected entrances of the roundabout to manage traffic flow during peak times
  • A shared user path on the north bound side of Jetty Road via the new pedestrian crossings to provide a safe passage for bike riders and pedestrians through the roundabout
  • Widening of the Mornington Peninsula Freeway at the western leg of the southern roundabout to extend the turning and merging lanes
  • New lighting on the western leg of the southern roundabout to accommodate the lane extensions
  • Installation of CCTV at the southern roundabout to monitor the traffic flow and adjust the metering signals timing as required

I have included a map for reference that includes these treatments.

Our construction timetable is yet to be finalised and we will be back in touch with localised impacts closer to the commencement of construction. Construction is anticipated to begin in September, 2022 and be completed by the end of the year before the summer peak period.

Please reach out to us with any questions you may have regarding the project and I will have a member of the project team get in touch with you.


Molly WilliamsCommunications & Engagement Officer

Transport Communications and Experience VicRoads

12 Lakeside Drive, Burwood East VIC 3151