Year 6 

Chameleons - learning to adapt



In English, we are learning how to write a biography. This term students will be involved in comprehensive research. They have selected a person of interest and have begun researching and writing a biography to share with the class. Later this term they will choose a notable person in Australian History and utilise skills of independent learning, higher level thinking skills, time management and organisational skills to complete a project for presentation. Fluency has been a class focus for reading comprehension, phrasing, using punctuation and expression is key to understanding the meaning of a text. The Chameleons have begun using their independence, focus, and grit to complete reading contracts, where they complete some ‘must do’ lessons and negotiate other tasks with Mrs D and Mrs Christiansen, and learn to meet a deadline for these tasks. 

Fluency - focus on expression
Reading contract
Fluency pairs
Fluency pairs
Fluency Pairs
Fluency - focus on expression
Reading contract
Fluency pairs
Fluency pairs
Fluency Pairs

In Mathematics, students have been learning about measurement, practicing their skills in converting lengths and recording lengths in whole numbers and decimal form. Students have learnt about the parts of a circle and how to calculate the radius and diameter, as well as having a go at using a compass to draw circles. Students have been consolidating their skills in number to add and subtract numbers of any size, multiply and divide as well as using this knowledge for decimals and moving the decimal point to multiply and divide by 10, 100 and 1000. More fractions and decimals to come this term. 


We have begun our History unit of work on Becoming a Nation, which focuses on the federation of the Australian colonies in 1901. The virtual excursion we had to NSW Parliament house was an interesting introduction to this unit of work. We will continue to learn about important people and dates in Australia’s modern history and the system of government at all levels. 

Virual excursion to NSW Parliament House
Virtual Excursion
Virual excursion to NSW Parliament House
Virtual Excursion


With Mr Young students have been exploring different forms of energy and how energy is used to make changes in their world. We have been investigating how electrical energy is used in the home and at school, and in the coming weeks we will be developing experiments to investigate how machines can transform energy from the sun, water and wind. In technology we have been learning how to conduct effective Google searches.    


In Art, students are working on developing their sketching skills and learning how to draw portraits, looking closely at facial features and how to draw them realistically. In Music, we continue to learn chords on the guitar with Mark, appreciation of different music genres, as well as the knowledge of musical instruments shared with us each week. 

End of year preparations are in full swing, venue, music and food has been confirmed for the Year 6 Farewell. Camp is something we are all looking forward to. High school transitions have begun and more information will be coming shortly on the multi-sports gala day for Stage 3. 



Kind regards, 

Mrs Christiansen, Mrs D and Mr Young. 


Education week class visit