Faith and Mission

Over the past couple of weeks the Year 10 Humanities classes showcased great understanding of the scale and significance of the Holocaust. They conducted a class ceremony in which they were reverent and reflective remembering the victims and survivors of the Holocaust. Thank you to our teachers and students who took part in chapel.
School Based RE at Year 12
In Year 12 School Based RE we have been focusing on the school motto of “Strength and Kindliness". This came on the back of a study on examples of “Spirit Filled People” who have shown their lives to be examples of love, compassion and service. Icons were studied for their symbolism and method and the task of making one, which represented their spirit filled person was our creative response. Students will be voting over the next week to choose the best of these examples. Some are pictured below and we congratulate all students for their participation.
Poems Strength and Kindliness
Another activity was for students to express their experiences of Strength and Kindliness through poetry. Some beautiful examples are provided below as well as photos of class prayer and ritual. We again thank students for their respect, reverence and creativity.
Strength and Kindliness
Mum gleams with joy as I eat her food
A warm hug comforts my sister
The stranger exchanges a smile with me
Although at times, my heart can feel heavy, I still persist
Because these are the things I live for
These small comforts, this love,
they are the hidden gems of this world
For when we return to dirt,
only these memories will be treasured in our souls
Strength and Kindliness
I wear the words
strength and kindliness
on my heart,
I thought it meant being mighty
and smiling from the start,
But it’s quiet.
Not to be mistaken for putting on a show to please others,
I see those two words from my mother.
Running a comforting warmth down your spine
Strength and Kindliness
Wanting to be better
for the sake of myself
Moving towards the future
at the speed of a train
Being told kind and courageous words,
Love wraps around me
like a tight hug
My passions are heard
and they resound