Buongiorno! Salve!


On the 25th of July, the Year 10 and Year 11 Italian classes went to the National Gallery of Victoria to learn about Renaissance and Mediaeval Art.  We had the opportunity to immerse ourselves in art between the 14th and 16th centuries. Afterwards, we went to +39 Pizzeria which is an Italian restaurant in the CBD. We each had delicious, traditional food from the menu. A class favourite was the tiramisu for dessert!


Ciao, arrivederci


Going on this excursion was engaging and interesting. Having the expert knowledge of the tour guides made the experience at the art gallery very valuable and fascinating. We enjoyed exploring the city and the Art Gallery with our friends. Exploring the culture of Italy through food and Art motivated us for our Language learning by practising Italian with the staff. 


Jazmin. M and Talia. M

Year 10 Italian



CIS Junior Italian Poetry Competition 2022

Students this year have been fortunate enough to be able to participate in the Centre of Italian Studies (CIS) Junior Italian Poetry Competition. This occured on  21 June at school. Two judges came to Killester to listen to the students in Years 7 & 8 recite their chosen poem in Italian with a focus on pronunciation, intonation & memorisation of their selected Italian poem. Students chose from the following poems for Year 7: “Tre stelline” di Anonimo, “Le vocali” di Lina Schwarz  and “ Poesia delle vocali” di Elio Guarnuccio. Students chose from the following poems for Year 8: “In classe” di Corinne Albaut, “Acqua Acqua” di Roberto Piumini and “ La zanzara” di Roberto Piumini.


I am proud to announce the winners of this latest competition.


Year 7 Non Italian Prizewinner

3rd place

Jessica Nguyen

$40 voucher

Year  Non Italian Prizewinner

2nd place

Athikroth (Pisey) Khun

$50 voucher


We also had many other Certificate of Honour and Certificate of Merit winners across both Years 7 & 8 rewarded for their efforts and dedication in this competition.


Certificato di Lode - Certificate of Honour

Year 7 non - Italian

  1. Emelyne Chan Yai Ching
  2. Angela Dao
  3. Serena Han
  4. Jasmine Hardwick
  5. Nhi Huynh
  6. Antonette Ivan
  7. Georgia Koupouzos
  8. Shahana Krishnakumar
  9. Annika Lao
  10. Alysa Meyn
  11. Ngeam Lachini
  12. Madison Nguyen
  13. Nadia Qu

Year 8 non – Italian

  1. Sarah Din
  2. Victoria Do
  3. Menuli Fernando
  4. Alyssa Kelly
  5. Jessica Lambrianou
  6. Nikah Lecordier
  7. Alessandra Nguyen
  8. Cathy Nguyen
  9. Kim Nguyen
  10. Yvonne Nguyen
  11. Victoria Taing
  12. Erika Tsibouris
  13. Samantha Wright
  14. Hailey Xavier

Certificato di Merito -  Certificate of Merit

Year 7 non - Italian

  1. Manya Avadhanula
  2. Samara Benlian
  3. Aurelia Cabrera
  4. Chanrotha Keo
  5. Kailyn Ong
  6. Neha Panattumaly Shinto
  7. Jasmine Phan
  8. Thycia Phung
  9. Yashika Sraghu
  10. Stephanie Tran
  11. Sophia Vann
  12. Natalie Vu

Year 8 non-Italian

  1. Sienna Diaz
  2. Tahlia Fernando
  3. Cindy Huynh
  4. Kate Ingleby
  5. Lauren Ingleby
  6. Alisha Ngo
  7. Kaylee Pham
  8. Natalie Tran

I would like to congratulate all our students for their fabulous efforts and

achievements and look forward to their participation again next year.

As Federico Fellini would say “ A different language is a different vision of life”. 



Liliana Gallo

Learning Area Leader - Languages